Saturday 21 May 2016

Praying Spiritual Prayers for loved ones

Ephesians 1: 18 that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance among the saints, 19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, 20 which He performed in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

The Apostle Paul is expressing his deepest spiritual prayers for the Church at Ephesus. He doesn't pray about things natural but things of spiritual substance. He cares that they have understanding of the Word of God and the glorious hope of the callings of God for their lives. He gets them to focus on spiritual things, not the natural things or present day concerns.

First he points them in the direction of knowing there is much more of Christ to know. He encourages them that they might build themselves up spiritually. To meditate on the glory of Christ - the riches of the glory of Christ - higher, wider, deeper, above and beyond what can be imagined, he successfully gets them focussed on the Omnipotent God who can do all things. This raises their faith level. 

Next he gets them to pray for more revelation on the greatness of God. He prays "according to the might of God" not according to their own imaginations only. It is important that we pray according to the measure of Christ who lives in us. If we only pray to receive according to our faith, we may not receive much. But if we pray to receive according to Jesus Christ who lives in us, we exponentially multiply what is possible for us to believe.

Finally, he gets them to focus on Jesus - seated on the throne in heaven - ruling and reigning above all earthly and heavenly powers. The final scene is Jesus Christ in triumphant glory.This is not in the future only but in the present. Jesus finished it all by His resurrection from the dead and ascension into Heaven. Jesus paid the price by shedding his blood that we might have eternal life and be blessed on the earth with all spiritual and natural blessings.

He encourages the Church through his actual prayers but also in sharing them with them; his prayers are that they would know the limitless glory of God. His prayers show his concern for them spiritually as a spiritual mentor would do. His telling them what he is praying for them, would release faith in their hearts to believe for it in their lives.

Some of the most profound things we can pray for others are found in the prayers of the Apostle Paul for the churches. We should pray these things for ourselves but also for others. Those we are closest to - we should care that they grown in the knowledge of Christ so that they might teach others also.

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