Thursday 16 June 2016

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

John 11: 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, yet shall he live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

Jesus knew that his friend Lazarus had died and was buried. He had been buried for more than 3 days. The Jewish system of burial rights, includes anointing of the body but does not include draining of the blood or insides. This is gross but the point is - there is no possible way that the body hadn't started rotting. Jesus came late. His friends Mary and Martha greeted Him and both exclaimed - that if He had come sooner, Lazurus could have been healed. They were in grief for their brother (and bread winner) as well a horror of knowing Jesus could have prevented their brother`s death but didn`t. Their faith included Jesus healing and doing miracles because they followed His ministry and saw the miracles.

Jesus gave them the answer they needed but it was hard for them to receive.
He stood and proclaimed Ì AM the Resurrection and the life`. He was telling them He was eternal God. He could do all things. He could resurrect their brother. They could not understand.

Jesus asked them to lead him to the place Lazarus had been buried. He commanded that the stone be rolled away from the grave. A crowd of people followed to see what might occur. Jesus commanded Lazarus to come out of the grave. His Word was so powerful that He spoke life into a rotting corpse.
His Word was so mighty that it healed the man of whatever disease he had before he died.
His Word was so strong that it cause the man wrapped in graves clothes like a mummy to come hopping to the front of the grave.

Jesus commanded that people unwrap Lazarus. The women, the crowd, all the disciples were in amazement at what they had witnessed. Could this be true? Did Jesus really bring a man back from the dead? The answer was live in their face - Lazarus resurrected from the dead - completely whole.

There are countries in Africa that have documented cases of Resurrection from the dead. Their are testimonies of people with near death experiences and who have physically died but came back to life.In those places, faith is all the people have. They do not have much money but they do have faith. They literally believe Jesus`Words true today as they were the day He spoke them to Mary and Martha.

I have a special friend and we actually have a pact. If I die, she is going to pray for my resurrection from the dead. If she dies, I am going to pray for her resurrection from the dead. We are not joking. We actually believe we are suppose to live as long as possible for the glory of God on this earth. We both believe literally that Jesus raises corpses - and gives them resurrection life.

Although I mention this hoping it will release in you some desire to believe for more of Christ and more in His resurrection manifestation of glory - in no way would I not also seek medical help. This is not a contradiction to faith. In fact those people would be key witnesses in the actual physical death and revival of human life. In no way would I not do everything earthly possible to get help. In no way would I not pray for a miracle.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ can raise the dead?

Most Christians would nod in agreement believing that I am talking about judgement day and the hope of our faith for eternal life.I am talking about literal resurrection. Someone died - someone was resurrected from the dead.

We are not only to believe for it in the future but to pray for it in the present. Should you be with someone and believe that person is dying prematurely, Speak in the name of Jesus Christ who is LORD - who was raised from the dead and is alive seated on the Throne in Heaven - speak Resurrection life over that person. Don`t trust your own human limit of faith. In fact I encourage you to even say - I do not pray in my own faith alone but in the faith of Christ who lives within me.
If this overwhelms you because it seems to be so much - start praying in the Holy Spit; pray in tongues and pray for the gift of faith to rise up strong.

To help build your faith - research a bit on the present day resurrections from the dead in China and Africa. They are well documented and proven. Study Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake and other pioneers of the Charismatic and Pentecostal gospel within the last century. They too have documented cases of resurrection from the dead. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life - Literally.

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